Hidden Refuge Coffee
Embark on a journey to the lush landscapes of Mexico with our Medium Roast Single Origin—a captivating blend of complexity and richness. This coffee, sourced from the FESICH cooperative founded in 2016, represents the collective effort of over 1,500 producers in the Jaltenango region of Chiapas, Southern Mexico, bordering Guatemala. The unique and complex cup profile is a result of the diverse landscape and elevations, where coffee is grown on hillsides intermixed with other native plants and fruit-bearing trees.
Cupping Notes: Indulge in the nuanced flavors of Medium Acidity, Creamy Body, and a perfect balance of Lemon, Brown Sugar, and Dark Chocolate. This well-balanced blend showcases the dedication to excellence exhibited by the Typica, Catimor, and Bourbon varietals cultivated at altitudes ranging from 1,400 to 1,900 meters.
Certified Organic and processed through the washed method, our Mexico Single Origin encapsulates the essence of sustainability, offering a distinctive and rewarding coffee experience. Elevate your senses with each sip, celebrating the rich diversity of Mexican coffee craftsmanship.